8-Week Functional-Fullbody

The main focus of this 3 phase program is to work on the full body, targeting all muscles. It is including explosive movements, core stability and a functional way to strengthen your body.

  • 1

    Phase 1: Mobility

    Sets: 1 (10 mins, before each workout)

  • 2

    Phase 2: DB Fullbody

    Sets: 3 (12 min each set + 1 min rest between sets) | 2-3 times a week

  • 3

    Phase 3: Kettlebell Backchain Conditioning

    Sets: 3 | 2-3 times a week

Phase 1: Mobility

Follow the steps below

  • 6x Walkouts

    Start in a standing position. Walk hands out until you are in plank position. Hold for 3 seconds and walk back to standing. Never allowing your back or hips to dip toward the mat.

  • 6/6 x Pike Toe touches (left and right)

    From a high plank position, lift your right hand to tap your left foot. Bring it back to plank and lift your left hand to tap your right foot. Get back into a plank position and continue alternating sides.

  • 6 Camel/Cow

    Exhale and pull the spine up towards the sky. Inhale, relax the belly and arch the back.

  • 6 Deepstretch/Childspose

    Sretch your arms in front of you with the palms toward the floor or bring your arms back alongside your thighs with the palms facing upwards.

  • 6 Swimmer

    Lift up both arms 10 cm from the ground and move them behind ur back. Bring them back to starting position.

  • 6/6 Hipstretch

    Elongate your spine and engage your core and glutes. Move the hip for and back.

  • 6/6 Cossacks

    Stand with your back straight and feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart. Point the toes of both feet to the outside at a 30-45° angle.

  • Ready!

    Take a break and then move to the next phase.

Phase 2: DB Fullbody

Sets: 3 (12 min each set + 1 min rest between sets) | 2-3 times a week.

  • 8/ 8 Dumbbell single leg lift with knee drive

    Engage your core and keep your spine neutral as you begin to hinge at your hips, pushing your hips backward. At the same time, lift your left leg off the ground. Continue to hinge at your hips until your back is parallel to the ground; your leg should be in line with your back. Once you are upright, drive your left knee up, creating a 90-degree angle at your knee joint.

  • 8 Dumbbell High Pulls

    Stand with your feet hip-distance apart. Use an overhand grip to hold a dumbbell in each hand. Hinge at your hips to bend forward slightly. Position the weights just below your knees. Straighten your hips and knees as you explosively raise the dumbbells as high as you can. At the same time, raise your heels to come onto your tiptoes. Slowly lower the weights back to the starting position.

  • 8-12 Dumbbell Bent-over-Row

    Hinge forward until your torso is roughly parallel with the floor (or slightly above) and then begin the movement by driving the elbows behind the body while retracting the shoulder blades. Pull the dumbbells towards your body until the elbows are at (or just past) the midline and then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position under control.

  • 8 Dumbbell Thrusters

    Press your whole foot into the floor and extend the legs. As you return to the starting position, utilize your momentum from the front squat to propel the dumbbells upward into a push press. Exhale once the dumbbells gets to lockout and reverse the movement slowly while controlling them back to your shoulders.

  • 8/8 Dumbbell Lunges + Bicepcurl

    Start with feet hip-width apart dumbbells down by. your side, palms facing inwards. Relax the shoulders. and chest open. Step backwards with one leg into a reverse lunge, while at the same time performing a bicep curl with. both arms. Press through the front leg to return to standing.

  • 8-12 Dumbbell Bridgepress

    With a dumbbell in each hand, lie on your back and bend your legs so they are at 90 degrees, with your feet planted firmly on the floor. Engage your glutes and hamstrings and lift your hips up off the floor. Press the dumbbells up and squeeze the triceps and pecs at the top. Slowly lower the dumbbells. Continue pressing and lowering the dumbbells while keeping your hips off the floor.

  • 8-12 Dumbbell Renegade Row

    Focus on the hips and prevent them from swiveling excessively. Imagine you are trying to balance a cup of water on your lower back. Keep some tone through your abdominals as you pull the bar into your body to ensure you don’t arch excessively through your spine. Don’t allow momentum to dictate the movement, control the dumbbells throughout the entirety of each rep. Don’t allow the head to jut forward as you pull

  • 8 Dumbbell Squatjumps

    Use a dumbbell that is challenging but still allows you to be explosive (about 10-20% of your bodyweight is ideal). If you do not have access to weights you can use a water jug instead. Hold the dumbbell with straight arms and jump as high as you can. Land, tap the dumbbell to the floor and explode up into your jump as fast as possible. We are aiming for max jump height and max speed.

  • Ready!

    Take a break and then move to the next phase.

Phase 3: Kettlebell Backchain Conditioning

Sets: 3 | 2-3 times a week. Advice: start with less weight to perform with a proper Form the first week. Lift heavier than the the Row, the Sumolift or the Swing.

  • 10-12 Barbell deadlift

    Stand with your feet under the barbell, hip-width apart. When you look down, the barbell should run halfway over your feet. Bend down and grasp the barbell with a shoulder-width grip. Take a deep breath. Keeping your torso upright and your back and arms straight, stand and pull the bar up the front of your legs, driving with your legs. At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes, pull your shoulders back, and exhale. Start wit a moderate weight.

  • 10/10 Kettlebell Gorilla Row

    Place your kettlebells or dumbbells on the inside of each foot.Hinge your hips back and bend your knees slightly as if you are doing a mini sumo squat. With a straight, stiff back, bring your shoulders over your toes so that your chest and eyes are looking at the floor.Hold the kettlebell handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).Brace your abs, and pull one elbow up towards your hip (keep it close to your sides), squeezing the shoulder blade at the top. As you row up, push down into the opposite kettlebell on the floor. Use a moderate weight that u can perform 10 repetitions each side.

  • 10-12 Kettlebell Sumo Lift

    Have your feet wide with the toes slightly pointing outward. Make sure your knees are positioned so that they will track outward at the same angle as your toes. Hinge at the hips and sit your butt back so you can comfortably grab the handles of the kettlebells. Grab one handle in each hand, arch the back, and lock your lats in place. As you stand tall, drive your hips forward, squeeze your glutes and abs, and exhale. To come back to your starting position.

  • 16-20 Kettlebell Swing

    Plant your feet firmly, about shoulder-width apart, with the kettlebell on the ground in front of you. Hinge at the hips, bend your knees slightly, and grip that kettlebell handle with both hands. Keep that back nice and flat. Push through your hips, straighten those legs, and swing the kettlebell up to chest level. Remember, this is all about the hips! Let gravity do its thing, bringing the kettlebell back down. Hinge at the hips again.

  • Ready!

    Congratulations. You have completed the last phase.